Category: Fencing

Importance of Livestock and Animal Fencing

Livestock and animal fencing is a vital requirement in farming. When fencing, it is essential to choose an efficient fence built with suitable material that meets your farm’s layout. Fencing methods appropriate for livestock and animals are physical (physical barrier) and psychological fencing.  

A physical barrier is an effective way of containing farm animals farm fencing . The materials used to build physical barriers are substantial, durable, and breaching them is difficult. Despite the expensive nature of the materials used in constructing these fences, they have a high investment return. Physical barriers require low maintenance; they reduce the chances of the farm animals harming themselves and are resistant to harsh weather conditions. The types of equipment used in building them include wooden planks, metal livestock panels, welded wire, and high tensile mesh. These fences are useful in controlling animals such as sheep, cattle, goats, poultry, horses, and cattle.  

Psychological fencing, on the other hand, uses a substantial amount of pain to an animal trying to breach the perimeter as a restraining tool. Training of the animals to be aware of the confined boundary is essential in this type of fencing. Once the animals accustom themselves to the confines, the farmer’s work is complete. Psychological fencing utilizes electric fencing to achieve its objectives. The most preferred material for psychological fencing is high tensile wire because of its thick dimensions and ability to conduct electricity. Other materials used are poly wire, poly wire netting, voltage meters, and energizers such as solar models. This type of fencing is less expensive, more adaptable to rugged terrain, easy to construct, and relocate. However, it requires more maintenance compared to physical barriers. Merging the two types of fencing ensures that you gain optimum benefits, amongst which are:  

Fencing keeps animals safe in several ways. In farms situated near forests, fencing keeps out predators from reaching your livestock. Farms located near roads are prone to accidents caused by animals like cattle; restricting these animals prevents them from getting injured; furthermore, it reduces animal caused casualties.  

There are legal requirements that restrain the movement of animals. Fencing your farm restricts the movement of animals and prevents them from damaging other people’s property, thereby insulating you from legal liabilities.  

Stock management is easily executable when there are confines on a farm. First, it prevents the animals from straying to other farms. It also facilitates the separation of animals from others if need be. Such instances include during breeding or when isolating sick animals to manage the spread of the disease. It also aids in keeping livestock parasites in check. 

Fencing enables a farmer to carry out mixed farming. It gives the farmer the autonomy to partition their farm and keep different animals in these partitions. You can separate poultry from swine and cattle. In doing so, a farmer maximizes the use of his farm, consequently increasing their earnings.  

It enables easier management of animal feeds and cleaning of the animal sheds. In the case of livestock, fencing allows you to manage land and pasture. Well-planned fencing enables your livestock to feed in a broad pasture range while allowing the growth of previously grazed fields. For high maintenance animals, such as rabbits, fencing not only prevents them from escaping but also gives you an easier time cleaning their hutch.